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Periodic donations to the VVMG

With a periodic donation, you commit to giving a fixed amount for at least 5 consecutive years. This makes your annual donations fully income tax deductible. The tax benefit allows you to do more for the association without it costing you more. Your membership is included in the donation.

Giving more for the same amount
Suppose you are willing to spend €100 per year for the association and pay 37.1% income tax annually.
You commit to periodically donating €159 per year. You can deduct that donation from your taxable income. You do not pay 37.1% income tax on it.
So that saves you 37.1% of €159 = €59. You get this amount back from the tax.
Thus, your donation ends up costing YOU €100, while €159 goes to the association!

Your added benefit:
Because we are a cultural ANBI you may deduct €159 x 1.25 = €199 on your tax return. You will then get about €74 back instead of €59.

How do you arrange a periodic donation?
To make a donation to our association, follow the following steps, which of course we are also happy to help you with:
1. Download the form Periodic Donation to VVMG, below is the link to the form (pdf)
VVMG periodic gift agreement
2. The agreement consists of two copies. One for you and one for us.
3. Complete, print and sign the agreements.
4. Indicate in the payment proxy how you want to pay.
5. Send both agreements and the payment proxy to:
VVMG, De Groote Rede 50, 5247 LA Rosmalen.
6. After we process and sign the agreement, one copy will be returned to you. This formalizes the periodic donation and assures the association of your support for years to come.

Personal contact
Don’t have a printer, want help filling it out or have other questions? Contact via email:

We are happy to help!

Cost and minimum amount
There is no cost to complete the donation form. However, we kindly ask you, due to the administrative burden, to keep a minimum amount of €60 per year (minimum amount for income tax deduction).
Membership included from €150 per year
With an annual amount starting at €150 per year of your periodic donation, membership in association is included. So you remain (or become) a member of the Association of Friends of Modern Glass.
A periodic donation has a minimum term of 5 years. We recommend choosing the option “indefinitely” in the form. You can then simply stop donating after 5 years, but if you decide to continue longer, you do not have to enter into a new agreement. If you want to increase or decrease the amount after 5 years, a new form is required. We are happy to help with that.
If you choose to transfer your donations yourself, please use bank account NL51INGB0000490504 t.n.v. VVMG in Rosmalen. Please mention that this is a periodic donation with your transaction and membership number included.
Tax return
In your tax return, include the VVMG’s cultural ANBI/RSIN number in your periodic donation: 805341079.

Are you not yet a member but are you interested?
For only €66 a year you can now become a member of the Association of Friends of Modern Glass, receive our quarterly magazine and participate in all our activities.
Learn more about our memberships here.