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Connection is the symbol by which the art world can show its power

In the spring of 2025, the Bernardine de Neeve Prize of the Association of Friends of Modern Glass (VVMG) will be awarded for the tenth time. The Bernardine de Neeve Prize is the only major prize in the Netherlands that is awarded once every three years. Artists who use glass in their art can compete for this prestigious award.

Interested artists, regardless of age, may submit a photo selection of up to eight works, along with a description, a resume and a motivation as to why the material of glass was chosen. Address the submission to the VVMG board representative: Ida Scheijgrond,

In the file name of ALL photos, put your own name + the title of the work. Preferably send the material using WeTransfer. The complete submission must be in by 11 p.m. on August 1, 2024.

From the entries, a selection of about 20 participants will be made, who will be able to show their work at the special exhibition “A compelling cacophony” during Glasrijk Tubbergen, which will be organized in the period October 3 to 6, 2024. A total of €2,500, is available for the selected artists (travel/expenses), which will be divided among the participating artists. During this exhibition, the jury will select up to three nominees to create new work for final selection. The nominees will each receive a contribution of €2,000 to create that work.


In the spring of 2025, the nominees will present themselves with this new work, supplemented by older/existing works, at the National Glass Museum Leerdam.
During that exhibition, the jury will designate the winner of the 10th Bernardine de Neeve Prize.

The winner will receive a check for €5,000.

Selection, nominations and award ceremony will be published in GLAS magazine on glass art.

The Jury
The entries will be judged, under the chairmanship of Han de Kluijver (architect, glass artist), by a jury that also includes:
– Titia Felderhof
– Myriam Knol
– Barbara Nanning
The Secretary of the jury is Piet Augustijn (final editor Glass).